Dubai Bike Share :
This is a great option for visitors who want to explore the city on two wheels. Dubai has a bike-sharing program called “Byky Stations” that provides bikes at various locations throughout the city. Visitors can use the bikes for short trips or full-day rentals. You can find more information on their website: https://bykystations.com/
Renting a bike :
Visitors can rent bicycles from a variety of bike rental shops in Dubai. A popular option is Trek Bicycle Store, which offers high-quality rental bikes that can be used for touring the city or exploring off-road trails. You can find more information on their website: https://www.trekbikes.ae/
Guided bike tours :
Mountain biking :
For visitors who want to explore the off-road trails in Dubai, there are several mountain biking options. Wadi Bike is a popular company that offers guided mountain biking tours in the Hatta Mountains, just outside of Dubai. You can find more information on their website: https://www.wadiadventure.ae/wadi-bike/